John is not an amateur, by the way. No, you can catch him entertaining at Walt Disney World and Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida (under his stage name, John Stevens). And he's pretty famous as a songwriter -- from The Nashville Network to the jingles industry. (Learn more about him over at Coach Chic's Hockey Secrets).
Among the many songs John has done for me, there's one that stands alone. I mean, the first night I listened to it, my eyes just puddled. Actually, I've kept that thing under wraps for better than a year, and I'm not even going to say more here -- other than it's about a little boy growing-up in hockey.
So, why keep this song a secret? Because, when it does get released, I want it to make a huge splash. I mean, I want everyone to hear it, and I want it to become a hockey standard.
That said, over the next few months, I'm going to match some video and some photos to the lyrics. And I'm going to ultimately present the finished product to the hockey world -- on YouTube, at Google Video and like sites. And I'm predicting that this thing is going to burn-up their counters!
As for the contest...
- I'd like proud hockey momz (or dadz) to submit hockey related photos they think worthy of bringing some smiles (or even tears) to the viewers of my planned video.
- Let's skip the typical posed team photos, instead digging for something unique, or something that might depict a youngster's love of the game.
- The song is about a little boy (sorry, girls), and I envision the best photos being of toddlers to about 6-years old.
- Please keep your original, instead scanning it and sending it to me via email at coachchic@aol.com.
- I'll post photos I deem "in the running" (see below), and I've also arranged a way for visitors to vote for their favorites.
- The final decision for inclusion in the video is still mine (mainly because I'm The Coach, I yell loudly, and I carry a stick)!
- As for prizes... Well, braggin' rights is probably Number One, with the chance to share that video with friends and family from around the world being a close second. Then, I'll surely get the winner/s a copy of the video, plus a copy of the song.
- Most certainly, we can work together to protect a child's privacy in all ways.
Sooooooo... Get digging into those old albums, and send along your entry. I'm raring to get into the studio and go to work!
-- Coach Chic
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